Our Services
Internal Services
- Tanked water heater repair
- Tanked water heater replacement/ upgrade
- Tankless water heater repair
- Tankless water heater
- Softwater install install
- Boiler repair
- Energy Load planning
- Heat pump install
- Heat pump repair
- Heat pump replacement
- Inspections
- Rebate, credit and warranty filing
- ROI, budget and maintenance planning
TI remodels
- Tenant Improvement
- Plumbing
- Painting
- Electrical
- Sheetrock
- Flooring
- Value add both long term and short term
- ROI analysis
- Facility performance assessments
- Equipment inspections
- Plumbing inspections
- Electrical inspections
- Air flow measurement
- Sewer and drain line inspections
- Plumbing , HVAC and electrical repair and upgrades
- Equipment repair
- Drain cleaning
- Facility mapping
- Preventative maintenance
- Ventilation check and cleaning
- Energy management
- Support services
Maintenance planning
- Load usage and review
- Equipment review as part of facility mapping
- Equipment selection
- ROI and Budget analysis
- Credit, rebate and Warranty filing
- Facility and property inspections performed periodically
- Risk analysis of current aging equipment and replacement or upgrade.
- Predictive maintenance plan coupled with preventative maintenance schedules
External Services
Facility energy efficiency
- Useage analysis
- Equipment assessment
- Equipment life cycle planning
- Lighting
- Plumbing
- Usage optimization and management
- Regular audits and reviews
- Zero scape
- Flower and tree planting
- Sod install
- Mulch install
- Mulch refresh
- Pavers
- Main install and repair
- Back flow testing, install and repair
- Drip lines
- Line repair
- New irrigation line install
- Drainage assessment and buildup mitigation
- Sprinkler lines
- Sprinklers
- Water usage assessment and management planning